How are we supposed to be able to tell what's likely to work and what probably wasn't made with Black hair in mind?
Visit any manufacturer's website and odds are they'll tell you that their curly hair products are the ones that will solve all of your natural hair struggles. They might give you examples, but the also might not. And if they do show you a before and after, those examples might be realistic images but they also might be heavily edited.
While many claim to have the answer, stylists and natural hair wearers are left with few options that are truly effective and take into consideration factors like cost, accessibility and ingredients.
Join me as I provide my professional opinion on the curly hair product lines developed by some of your favorite brands. I'll teach you some of the ways that I use context clues to tell me if a product is likely to be a good fit or if it's likely to be a waste of money.
*All opinions expressed in this series are solely my own. The content and ideas shared in this series are for educational purposes only.